Health Careers Scholarship
Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk (formerly Koster Insurance) celebrated the final year of the Health Careers Scholarship Program in Fall 2018. The Program was founded in 2000 by Teresa Koster, the former Division President of Koster Insurance. The Program invested in the healthcare community by providing outstanding students with financial assistance to pursue health-related careers. Thanks to the generous donations made by partners and its parent company, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., the Gallagher Student Health branch is proud to have had the opportunity to award 100 students approximately $500,000 since the Program's inception. Even though this program has come to an end, Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk remains committed to the betterment of the higher education community.
Scholarship Award Recipients
2018 Award Recipients

From Left to Right
Paige Stodtmeister (Brigham Young University), Sarah Roberts (Providence College), Albert Holler (Vanderbilt University), Emmanuela Oppong (Union College), Teresa Koster (Division Chairman, Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk), Jacob Perrmann (University of Cincinnati), Nhu Nguyen (University of Delaware), Madeline Ouellette (Quinnipiac University)
Not Pictured
Claire Kim (Stanford University), Sofia Hinojosa (American University), Boghos Talakjian (Purdue University)
2017 Award Recipients

From Left to Right
John-Marc Austin (Guest Speaker and 2015 Recipient), Emily Williams (Skidmore College), Justin Kidd (James Madison University), Jacqueline Lantsman (American University), Teresa Koster (Division Chairman, Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk), Shahrzad Zamani (University of South Florida), Andrew Rennie (University of South Florida), and Madison Miller (University of Northern Iowa).
2016 Award Recipients

From Left to Right
Halah Alsari (Elms College), Sonu Gandhi (Northeastern University), Dr. Ted Grace (Board of Directors), Marisa Woitkoski (Springfield College), Dr. Clantha Carrigan McCurdy (Board of Directors), Camille McGirt (Guest Speaker and 2012 Recipient), Teresa Koster (Division Chairman, Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk), Shahrukh Khan (College of Staten Island), Dr. Mary Daniels (Board of Directors), Jade Clark (University of Cincinnati), Jack Eiferman (Board of Directors), and Courtney Huellen (Illinois State University).
2015 Award Recipients

From Left to Right
John-Marc Austin (Elms College), Courtney Knight (Shorter University), Ryan Kovacik (Virginia Commonwealth University), Teresa Koster (Division President, Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk), Teryn Caruso (Azusa Pacific University), Farshid Taghizadeh (Portland State University)
2014 Award Recipients

From Left to Right
Ishani Premaratne (Harvard College), Kylie Juggert (University of Oregon), David Mueller (Boston University), Teresa Koster (Division President, Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk), Natalia Van Doren (University of California at Berkeley), Andrea Levesque (Clark University)
2013 Award Recipients

From Left to Right
Michael Manansala (Colgate University), Tiffany Martinez (University of Colorado), Michelle Fater (Northeastern University), Teresa Koster (Division President, Gallagher Koster), Santiago Bukovsky-Reyes (University of Colorado), Renaid Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology), Alysia Wiener (Cornell University)
2012 Award Recipients

From Left to Right
Ricardo Gray (UC-LA), Lily Chan (Brown University), Camille McGirt (UNC-Chapel Hill), Teresa Koster (Division President, Gallagher Koster), Ethan Abbott (Utah State University), Sarah Galler (Boston University).
Not Pictured
Daniel Curiel (UC-Davis).
I am honored to have received the Gallagher Koster Health Careers Scholarship Award. This scholarship has truly been beneficial and I am extremely grateful and thrilled to be recognized as one of many qualified individuals. There are many things throughout my college experience that I would not have been able to accomplish due to financial restrictions. This scholarship will enable me to continue my final year in college with significantly less stress. As I continue on my academic and professional journey I shall never forget the generosity of Gallagher Koster who aided in the attainment of my goals. Again, thank you very much
Ricardo Gray
2011 Award Recipients

From Left to Right
Yesenia Castro (Oregon State University), John Park (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Teresa Koster (Division President, Gallagher Koster), Kayvon Izadpanah (Virginia Tech), Jainty John (Le Moyne College) and Daniel Cohn (University of Rochester).
I wanted to reiterate my gratitude to Gallagher Koster for supporting me and furthermore investing in my future as well as the futures of other motivated and dedicated individuals. It meant a tremendous amount to me at the time (and still does), and I know it will have a huge impact on whomever you select to have the honor.
Kayvon Izadpanah
Virginia Tech
I was only able to pursue the honors thesis because the Gallagher Koster Health Careers Scholarship allowed me to work fewer hours and devote more time to the community-based public health work I had been (and continue to be) so passionate about!"
Daniel Cohn
University of Rochester
By awarding me, my financial burden had been lightened, which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of school learning and achieving my goal of pursuing my MPH. Gallagher Koster's generosity has inspired me even more to help others and someday give back to my community, I hope to someday help students as you have helped me. I thank everyone who made this possible from the bottom of my heart I am steps closer to achieving my dreams.
Yesenia Castro
Oregon State University
I would like to thank my God, my savior for putting me in the position to earn a scholarship. I am truly honored and blessed. On behalf of my parents and myself, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to everyone who was directly or indirectly involved for getting me here and awarding me this scholarship. This scholarship has lifted my family's financial burden making it a less distraction and most importantly it has boosted my confidence allowing me to focus more on my studies to lead me on a path to achieve my academic and career goals in the health professions. In the future I wish to dedicate my life to caring for others. And this scholarship has only made this dream more possible.
Jainty John
Le Moyne College
2010 Award Recipients

From Left to Right
Heather Lytle (University of Montana- Bozeman), Teresa Koster (Division President, Gallagher Koster), Alexander Sun (University of Pennsylvania), Michelle Chen (UCLA), Elianny Camilo (Tufts University).
Not Pictured
Vanessa Liu (UC Berkeley).
Receiving the Gallagher Koster Health Careers Scholarship has been such an honor, and I feel so fortunate to be recognized amongst the many well-qualified applicants, especially as the scholarship continues to expand its visibility amongst college students. The generosity of those at Gallagher Koster will go a long ways towards helping my family and I cover the cost of my college tuition, and undoubtedly, the award itself is such an incredible inspiration for me to continue towards my goals of an MD/PhD, conducting scientific research that can benefit human health as well as practicing clinical medicine. When I reach that career point when I can begin to reflect on the path I took to get there, I know that Gallagher Koster will have been one of the great channels that helped me to accomplish my dreams. To the Scholarship Board of Directors, and to all the wonderful members of Gallagher Koster that make this scholarship possible, I thank you again, with all sincerity
Alexander Sun
University of Pennsylvania
I am honored to be one of the recipients of the Gallagher Koster Scholarship. I had an amazing time in Boston and greatly enjoyed meeting everyone. Because of this scholarship, I am able to continue my education and complete my studies this year without worrying about the financial burden. With your generosity, I am further motivated to work toward becoming a doctor and continue helping the underserved community. I will always remember your kindness and cherish every moment of my trip to Boston. Thank you so much for helping my dreams become reality!"
Michelle Chen
2009 Award Recipients

From Left to Right
Cameron Waites (University of Michigan- Flint), Ayanna Anene (University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School), Teresa Koster (Division President, Gallagher Koster), Jester Galiza (Dartmouth College), Meghan Barowski (Villanova University), and Joshua Myers (The College of Idaho).
When I first found out that I was a Gallagher Koster 2009 Health Careers Scholarship Recipient, I was ecstatic because I felt that it was such an honor. However, after attending the banquet and hearing of the accomplishments and ambitions of my fellow scholarship recipients, I am further humbled. It is wonderful to know that I am of the same caliber as so many focused and passionate individuals determined to go into the healthcare industry. In addition, it was a pleasure to meet the many individuals that make up Gallagher Koster and learn of their backgrounds and contributions to the field of healthcare. Thank you again for this generous investment in my future as a healthcare professional. I promise you will see great returns.
Ayanna Anene
University of Pennsylvania
I am honored and thankful for being one of the recipients for the Gallagher Koster Health Careers Scholarship 2009. Thank you to the Scholarship Board of Directors for seeing something special and unique in me, and for giving me the opportunity to serve as an ambassador for the Program. You have given me the hope and confidence I need to follow my dreams of becoming a physician despite financial barriers and other obstacles. This is only the beginning of my lifetime journey in healthcare, and I am glad that my new family, Gallagher Koster, can be a part of it.
Jester Galiza
Dartmouth College
Thank you so very much for awarding me this scholarship. Financially, it is a significant help in funding the final years of my undergraduate education. Receiving the award is an encouragement to keep working hard towards my goals for a career in dentistry. I felt honored to be in such distinguished company upon meeting the other award recipients and others associated with Gallagher Koster. It was quite an experience to meet so many remarkable people from different walks of life. Thank you again for your support of my future. To Future Applicants: I encourage any hardworking, service oriented students who have a desire to serve their community through health-care to apply for this scholarship, even if you attend a small college in a rural area like I do.
Joshua Myers
The College of Idaho
Your support allowed me to thrive academically and also enabled me to engage in my community through volunteering with a number of organizations. Being selected as a Gallagher Koster Health Careers Scholarship winner has further enabled me to redouble these efforts, as I can now focus my time entirely upon my studies and my involvement in the community. Further still, this prestigious scholarship award from Gallagher Koster helped me continue to believe in myself. This support has and will continue to be integral to my success. Thank you for selecting me as a Gallagher Koster Health Careers Scholarship recipient. Just as your support has impelled me to set the bar higher and continue to "dream big," I will strive to succeed while giving back to others, hoping to inspire in them the same affirmations. Thank you.
Cameron Waites
University of Michigan