The Value of Student Health Insurance Plans
The health and wellness of your student while away at school is fundamental to the success of their higher education experience. Even if your student has medical insurance under a PPO, HMO or Medicaid Plan, a Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) may still be a good choice for your student and your family.

Consider the following information to make an informed decision:
- SHIPs offer comprehensive coverage with lower deductibles, copayments, out-of-pocket maximums and premiums;*
- Students may run into issues using other health plans while at school;
- A SHIP is designed to "wrap around" campus Student Health/Counseling/Athletic Services to provide the best access to primary and preventative healthcare;
- In some cases, students may be able to use Financial Aid to purchase a SHIP;
- SHIPs include Travel Assistance Coverage which guarantees coverage through the year, including summer vacation and even while traveling or studying abroad; and
- A SHIP is purchased through the college or university at preferred pricing.
5 Ways to Save with Student Health Insurance
Important Student Health Insurance Considerations
For more information or to enroll in a Student Health Insurance Plan, please visit
*When compared to the options (i.e., Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Catastrophic) offered through a state or federal marketplace.