Higher Ed Healthcare News
Student Health Insurance Coverage for COVID-19
Gallagher Student Health & Special RiskMarch 17, 2020
Dear Students & Families,
Please read below if you are or have a student enrolled in a student health insurance plan. We wanted to address your main questions about COVID-19 and how it is covered under your student health insurance plan when you are on-campus, home or traveling. Each insurance company is different, so please navigate to the one that you are covered by below. You can find information about your insurance company and benefits by locating your plan brochure on your school specific homepage (For example, www.gallagherstudent.com/SCHOOLNAMEorABBREVIATION).
All plans have Preferred Provider Networks with hundreds of providers and hospitals around the nation that will provide the same coverage whether you are on-campus, home or traveling. You should continue to seek in-network providers to receive the care at the lowest out-of-pocket costs.
Coronavirus Coverage
Aetna/ CVS Health:
- Aetna will waive co-pays for all diagnostic testing related to COVID-19.
- All other treatment will be paid according to the benefits of your Policy (see Plan brochure).
- For the next 90 days (as of 3/6/20), Aetna will offer zero co-pay telemedicine visits for any reason. Login to your Aetna Account for access and information.
- Through Aetna's Healing Better program, members who are diagnosed with COVID-19 will receive a care package containing CVS over-the-counter medications to help relieve symptoms.
For more information on the above and additional updates, visit
- Anthem will waive co-pays, coinsurance and deductibles for all diagnostic testing related to COVID-19.
- All other treatment will be paid according to the benefits of your Policy (see Plan brochure).
- Anthem recommends downloading the free Sydney Care mobile app (available for download on iOS and Android) to evaluate your symptoms, and if necessary, connect you to a doctor through a LiveHealth Online video session or a Virtual Care text session right from your phone. Your LiveHealth Online visit will be at no extra cost through June 14, 2020.
- Anthem is relaxing early prescription refill limits, where permitted, for members who wish to refill a 30-day supply of most maintenance medications early.
For more information on the above and additional updates, visit
California schools: https://www.anthem.com/ca/blog
All other Anthem schools: https://www.anthem.com/blog
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts:
- BCBSMA will waive co-pays, coinsurance and deductibles for all diagnostic testing related to COVID-19.
- They will waive co-payments for medically necessary COVID-19 treatment at doctor’s offices, ERs and urgent care centers.
- All other treatment will be paid according to the benefits of your Policy (see Plan brochure).
- 24/7 nurse hotline (888-247-2583) is also available free to all members and offers a safe and convenient clinical resource for minor ailments or questions.
- Telemedicine is available through Well Connection. Copays for COVID-19 related visits will be waived. Login to your BCBSMA Account for more information.
For more information on the above and additional updates, visit https://home.bluecrossma.com/coronavirus
- CareFirst will cover medically necessary diagnostic tests that are consistent with CDC guidance related to COVID-19 without member cost-share.
- CareFirst has eliminated prior authorization requirements for diagnostic tests and covered services that are medically necessary and consistent with CDC guidance for members diagnosed with COVID-19.
- All other treatment will be paid according to the benefits of your Policy (see Plan brochure).
- CareFirst is waiving early medication refill limits on 30-day maintenance medications (consistent with a member's benefit plan) and encouraging members to use their 90-day mail order benefit.
- 24-Hour Nurse Advice Line – Members can call 800-535-9700 anytime to speak with a registered nurse to discuss their symptoms and get recommendations for the most appropriate care.
- CareFirst Video Visit – Members can also register for CareFirst Video Visit to securely connect with a doctor, day or night, through their smartphone, tablet or computer. No appointment is necessary.
For more information on the above and additional updates, visit https://member.carefirst.com/members/pop-up/coronavirus-information-and-illness-prevention.page
- COVID-19 diagnostic tests prescribed by doctors will be covered in full.
- There will be no prior authorization for COVID-19 testing.
- All other treatment will be paid according to the benefits of your Policy (see Plan brochure).
- For those who think they may have COVID-19, Telemedicine is available at no cost through myERnow. CDPHP members can download the app on their smartphone, or simply call 1-800-ER-ANYWHERE to be connected to a live, emergency medicine provider, or visit cdphp.com/ERAnywhere.
For more information on the above and additional updates, visit https://www.cdphp.com/members/wellness/common-health-topics/cold-and-flu/corona-virus/preventing-spread
MVP Healthcare:
- COVID-19 diagnostic tests prescribed by doctors will be covered in full.
- There will be no prior authorization for COVID-19 testing.
- All other treatment will be paid according to the benefits of your Policy (see Plan brochure).
- For those who think they may have COVID-19, Telemedicine is available at no cost through myERnow. MVP Healthcare members can call 1-833-myERnow, or visit mvphealthcare.com/myERnow to be connected to a live, emergency medicine provider.
For more information on the above and additional updates, visit https://www.mvphealthcare.com/covid19
- Member cost-sharing will be waived, including copays, coinsurance and deductibles, for COVID-19 diagnostic testing provided at approved locations in accordance with CDC guidelines.
- Any referral provision will be waived for COVID-19 tests and/or treatment. In the event a claim is denied for no referral, it can be appealed for reconsideration.
- All other treatment will be paid according to the benefits of your Policy (see Plan brochure).
- UHC is encouraging members to take advantage of the Virtual Visit capability, available through the HealthiestYou mobile app. UHCSR insureds have access at no charge, when it’s included with their UHCSR medical plan. For more information, go to uhcsr.com/MyAccount.
- Optum is opening its Emotional-Support Help Line, providing access to specially trained mental health specialists to support people who may be experiencing anxiety or stress following the recent developments around COVID-19. Optum’s toll-free help line number, 866-342-6892, will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for as long as necessary.
For more information on the above and additional updates, visit https://www.uhcsr.com/news-main
Wellfleet/ National Guardian Life:
- Wellfleet/ NGL will cover COVID-19 testing (including ER, telemedicine, urgent care and office visits) similar to a preventive benefit, waiving co-pays, deductibles and co-insurance for customers when treated by in-network or out-of-network providers.
- All other treatment will be paid according to the benefits of your Policy (see Plan brochure).
- Insureds students can use the 24-Hour Nurseline for medical advice at 800-634-7629.
For more information on the above and additional updates, visit